Press statement by official spokesman of Transitional Council about his meeting with head of Foreign Affairs with representatives of international media

The official spokesman of the Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, along with the Head of the General Directorate of the Foreign Affairs of the Council, Mr. Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, met on Monday, with representatives of international media outlets, in which he issued the following statement:
We met via videoconference with representatives of the international media, led by the Telegraph, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The National, where, through our press interviews, I, with my brother, Mohammad Al-Ghaithi, head of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs, provided detailed explanations about the developments of the political, economic and security situation in the capital, Aden, and all the governorates of the South, as well as the efforts and position of the Transitional Council on the humanitarian and political levels in the relevant files, including the political process sponsored by the United Nations, the Riyadh Agreement, and the government of power-sharing between the South and the North.
Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri
Official Spokesperson of the Southern Transitional Council
Member of the Presidency of the Council
Monday 4 October 2021
The capital, Aden