South Arabia

Protesters in Al-Saeed demand the liberation of Shabwa from Brotherhood militias


Peaceful demonstrators in Al-Saeed district, of Shabwa governorate, condemned on Wednesday, the forces of suppressing related to the Brotherhood’s militia covering under legitimacy, and its criminality against citizens.

They stressed, during the commemoration of the activities of the Southern Land Day, to be around the Southern Transitional Council led by President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi.

In a final statement to their event, they affirmed that Shabwa governorate is an integral part of the southern fabric and its political project, calling for its liberation from the Brotherhood’s militias as a national duty.

They expressed their categorical rejection of the Brotherhood’s militias’ violations and kidnappings of political opponents, and their approach of enmity towards passers-by, stressing that the crimes of the Brotherhood do not have a statute of limitations.

They called for an end to the various manifestations of the Brotherhood’s local authority’s tampering with the governorate’s revenues, and to prevent them from being used to serve the Brotherhood’s Islah Party and its militias.

They warned that the delay in implementing the Riyadh Agreement serves the forces of terrorism and its projects and obstructs the return of the Shabwani Elite Forces, and their prominent role in combating and defeating terrorism.

The terrorist Brotherhood militias, before the events, were in a state of fear, anticipation, and anxiety from the southern popular activities, as they proceeded the activities of the Southern Land Day, on Wednesday, with the siege and bombardment of Al-Saeed area in Mayfa’a of Shabwa.

The terrorist Brotherhood militias reinforced the deployment of their military vehicles in a number of Shabwa districts and their entrances hours before the start of the popular uprising in the governorate, and also deployed a number of military vehicles in the market of Rodhoum Shabwa district.

At the same time, the terrorist militias stormed the venue of Arma event, and pursued its participants.

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