South Arabia

Public Escalation Against Ben Doghr’s Government Starts

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Aden[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] In response to mass torture directed by Ben Doghr’s government against the south, the Southern Public Escalation Committee issued a statement of escalation against the government’s acts of corruption. The following the Statement wording:
A Statement of the Southern Public Escalation Committee
Homage to God and Peace be upon his Prophet Mohamed
God says: “He who fed them of hunger and secured them of fear”
Prophet Mohamed said: “Oh God, he who takes care of Muslims affairs and puts them in comfort, be merciful to him. And he who doesn’t be hard to him”
Fellow citizens of the free south
You are witnessing with your own eyes this critical stage with several fabricated crises from the corrupt government of Ben Doghr to abandon its responsibilities towards the southern people. This led to deterioration of services and daily life requirements including electricity, water supplies, sewers, health care, fuel supplies and even payment of employees and retired persons. This government didn’t stop at that end but tried to rise conflicts and distort the role of the Arab Ally in fighting terrorism through media campaign, especially against UAE.
Therefore, we call for all our fellow southern citizens to stand against this corrupt government and deter its arrogance through the following steps:
Peaceful confrontation of and corrupt acts against the interests of the southern people
Peaceful seeking to drop this corrupt government so that our people can have its rights in dignified living under a new government that respects its responsibilities towards the dignity and welfare of citizens
We call for all southern citizens to actively participate in escalation from Friday November 3rd 2017 at Al-Shaheed Al-Gunidy Square – Kriter (Al-Bunouk Square)
May God glorify the martyrs, heal the injured and free the captives.
Glory to the South
Issued by the Supreme Committee of southern Public Escalation
Tuesday October 31st 2017

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