RDSC Lauds Scientific Research that Serves Requirements of the Stage

The Research and Decision Support Center (RDSC) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held on Sunday its periodic meeting in the capital, Aden, chaired by Mr. Lutfi Shatara, deputy chairman of the National Assembly and head of the RDSC, to discuss a range of topics and the latest developments in the political situation, both at the internal and external levels.
The meeting applauded academic scientific research and theses that serve the requirements of the stage and the future of the aspired state of the South, noting the national role of academic platforms in strengthening the southern identity and developing political, cultural, and social awareness that increases a sense of belonging to the cause of the South.
The meeting discussed enhancing the cooperative relations between the RDSC and research institutions, as well as the University of Aden, in academic research in a way that contributes to raising the status of scientific research and developing its fields.
Furthermore, the meeting stood before irresponsible campaigns that do not serve the cause of the people of the South and its historical and existential relations with brothers and allies, emphasizing the significance of rationalizing the media discourse to serve the cause of the South and achieve the will of its people.
The meeting called for a distinction between the official discourse of the STC and the negative personal opinions of individuals posted on any site, for which the people of the South are not responsible and have nothing to do with the STC and its policies.