South Arabia
Regular Meeting of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council to Discuss Current Issues
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its regular meeting on Sunday morning in Adan. The meeting, headed by vice president Sheikh Hany Ben Brik, discussed current issues related to the south, including administrative, organizational and media issues, according to is agenda. The meeting also discussed political issues related to the council, including experts’ report to UN Security Council about Yemen and its evaluation to the role of the southern transitional council. The meeting praised the public support for the council and all members asserted their full support for the decisions taken by the council, the southern resistance and commandership of the Arab Coalition to cool down the situation in Adan and to expose rumors of websites and TV channels related to Muslim Brotherhood in the legitimacy government. They also asserted the importance of public unity against such rumors. The meeting also praised the measures taken by the southern trade unions’ leadership concerning the unification of union work in the south towards advocating labor rights and their interests as a step towards restoring the southern state. The meeting also expressed its full commitment of the council with statement of the commandership of the southern resistance called for by president Aidarous Al-Zubaidy and all its terms including the dismissal of the corrupt government and refusing to host the Yemeni parliament meeting in Adan in addition to resenting the corrupt acts of Ben Daghar’s government against the security and stability of the south.