South Arabia

Research and Decision Support Center of STC praises role of southern media in conveying message of our people’s cause and supporting efforts of southern leadership

The Research and Decision Support Center of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Tuesday, in the capital, Aden, held its periodic meeting, headed by Mr. Lutfi Shatara, head of the center.

The meeting was devoted to discussing activating the southern media role and unifying its discourse in confronting the current challenges facing the issue of the people of the south.

The meeting praised the role played by the southern media in conveying the message of the people of the south to various official, popular and societal levels, and supporting the diplomatic efforts of the southern political leadership to serve the just cause of our people.

The meeting discussed preparations for holding a roundtable meeting for media bodies in the institutions of the Southern Transitional Council to discuss ways to raise the media level and achieve more effective results to keep pace with regional and international changes and in a way that is consistent with the status that the Transitional Council enjoys at home and abroad.

The meeting urged to continue investing in all media platforms to serve the cause of the people of the South, to open up to brothers and friends abroad, and to work to provide the international media with various media materials for the events in the South in order to limit media misinformation practiced by forces hostile to the project to restore the state of the South.

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