South Arabia

Second Reserve Battalion Attacks a Gun Market in Sheikh Othman and Secures a Campaign for Demolishing Random Building in Al-Berika

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Second reserve battalion, under commandership of Kamal Al-Halemy, attacked an illegal gun market in Sheikh Othman – Adan and secured a demolishing campaign in Al-Berika targeting random building. Al-Halemy indicated that the attack came in cooperation among Arab Coalition forces, Adan Security Department and Security Belt Forces. According to Al-Halemy, illegal merchants shot on citizens while trying their guns without respect to human soles. On the other hand, a demolishing campaign targeted several random buildings, under supervisions of the local authority council, department of roads and public works and department of road blocks of Al-Berika. The campaign, secured by the second reserve battalion, demolished several illegal buildings in the air defense zone. It is noteworthy that building in this area is forbidden because of its strategic and touristic importance.

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