South Arabia

Security belt Forces Kills a Brother of a Prominent Al-Qaeda Leader in Yafea

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Security belt forces in Yafea killed Ahmed Abd El-Naby, brother of Khaled Abd El-Naby who is under custody of the security belt forces. Heavy armed clashes broke in Yafea between the security belt forces and a terrorist cell under command of Ahmed Abd El-Naby who was killed during clashes in Gebel Al-Zubaidy – Yafea. Clashes led to three injuries among security belt forces, one of them is in terminal condition, and the killing of Abd El-Naby and arresting his son. A security source in the security belt forces indicated that Abd El-Naby was not killed during direct attack on his house asserting that the terrorist was killed in action. The same source indicated that three other terrorists are being followed by the security belt forces now. The source indicated that long talks, for months, did not convince the terrorist to surrender himself to the security belt forces and this led the forces to launch this campaign indicating that one of the terrorist’s brothers surrendered previously and saved his life. The source asked all wanted persons to surrender themselves peacefully as any fights may lead to undesired consequences.
Ahmed Abd El-Naby was among Al-Qaeda terrorists who occupied Gear City in 2011 and controlled the city for over a year before they withdrew and then repeated their attacks during the Arab Ally invasion to Southern Yemen as they seized the opportunity of security gap and restored the city under their control before the security belt forces cleared the city from them in cooperation with Arab Ally forces especially UAE. The security belt forces are launching several operations in search for Al-Qaeda fleeing members and arrested several dangerous terrorists since the launch of operations.

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