South Arabia

Security Belt Troops Confiscate Smuggled Weapons through the Western Entrance of Aden

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]S[/su_dropcap]ecurity Belt troops of Mashour (Al-Manassa) point – Salah El-Din Sector – west of Al-Berika, confiscated smuggled weapons and ammunition heading to Aden. A source of the security belt of Aden indicated that during inspection, soldiers of Al-Manassa point found a Dushka, a sniper gun and RPG and rockets of several sizes in addition to various ammunition and two bases of mortar launchers on a military set. The source asserted that the weapons were hidden carefully with intention of smuggling them into Aden but the alertness of the point’s soldiers led to confiscating them.

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