Security car roams Crater city announcing the return to normal life
After the events witnessed in Crater city in Aden the capital at the first week of October, which concluded with failing the acts of arm forces elements tried to destabilize the security and stability in the city, a security car witnessed roaming in the markets and neighborhoods of Crater, announcing the return of normal life to the city after the bloody events that took place on Friday and Saturday.
The city began to breathe a sigh of relief on Sunday, after the calm that prevailed over the city, and the continued closure of the city’s entrances and the maintenance of security measures at the highest levels.
The fate of Imam Al-Silwi, who led gunmen in the last confrontation against the security forces is still unknown, waiting for an official statement to be issued about the end of the military operation.
The confrontations in the city of Crater led to a number of casualties, including dead and wounded, and great damage caused to public and private properties.