South Arabia

Security Chief of Adan Meets the Delegation of the UN Supreme Commission of Human Rights

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Adan[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] General Shalla Shaia, security chief of Adan, met the delegation of UN supreme commission of human rights headed by Dr. Mohamed Al-Nasour, regional manager of the commission in the middle east and North Africa, on Wednesday morning. The delegation included Dr. Al-Obaid Ahmed Al-Obaid, UN supreme delegate to Yemen, Kiu Jisian, Responsible for Yemeni Citizens Human Rights File in Geneva and media personnel of UNSCHR in Yemen, Nasser Al-Shuaiby, UNSCHR representative in Adan, Lahj and Al-Dalia, Lamis Al-Hamedy, UNSCHR representative in Hadhramaut and Al-Mehra.
After welcoming the delegation, general Shaia discussed human rights issues with full details about crimes committed by Al-Houthi militias and Saleh’s forces against southern territories that may reach war crimes. He provided the delegations with statistics, analyses and photos indicating targeting residencies and leading to civilian casualties. He also notified the delegation about cases of torturing southern detainees in Sanaa’s prisons in addition to forceful cast away cases including former minister of defense general Mahmoud Al-Subaihy and his fellow officers included in the Security Council decree no. 2216 and the southern detainee Ahmed Al-Merkashy in addition to other southern detainees in Sanaa’s prisons. He also indicated that coup forces run several secret prisons in northern governorates in addition to violation of human rights conventions including children recruitment for military acts.
General Shaia also assured the UN delegation that there are no secret prisons, militias or multiple security systems in Adan and requested the UN delegation to provide security forces with training courses and to support Adan security forces. He added that such rumors are released from other parties after being defeated along with terrorist groups and their destructing projects were stopped in Adan. He provided the delegation with detailed report about security restoration operations and reestablishing security forces from scratch. General Shaia invited the delegation to open an office in Adan and promised the delegation with protecting its work and supporting its activities.
Dr. Mohamed Al-Nasour, regional manager of the commission in the middle east and North Africa indicated that the delegation doesn’t take any information for granted until it is proved by field visits. He welcomed the initiation of general Shaia to cooperate and coordinate work indicating that the main aim of the visit is to provide people with dignified life. He also praised the efforts of Adan security forces in restoring stability and security to Adan.
Deputy security chief, colonel Abu Bakr Gabr, colonel Kassem Al-Riashy, Colonel Khaled Al-Rakhm and captain Abd El-Rahman Al-Naqeeb, spokesman of Adan Security department, attended the meeting.


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