South Arabia

Security preparation in Hadramout coast for Eid al-Fitr

Brigadier General Muti’ Saeed Al-Minhali, Director General of Hadramout Coast Police and Security, on Tuesday, held a meeting of the departments of operations to discuss the security plan for Eid Al-Fitr.

The meeting evaluated the level of implementation of Ramadan security plan, the performance of the security services during the holy month of Ramadan, and ways to enhance security control during the blessed days of Eid Al-Fitr, by intensifying the deployment of patrols in the streets and main cities.

Brigadier General Al-Minhali directed to secure mosques and squares in which Eid prayers are held, to organize traffic in places and sites that witness traffic congestion, to prevent carrying weapons and roaming with them within cities, and to secure and organize parks frequented by citizens.

Al-Minhali stressed the strengthening of security measures, raising security vigilance in various units, and combating crime in all its forms and manifestations.

He demanded that the officers on duty to be present at their work sites according to the plan, and that any negligence in performing their national duties to protect the country and the citizen be held accountable.

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