South Arabia

Shabwany Elites Thwarts an Attack with Explosive Belt by Al-Qaeda Terrorist in Azzan

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Shabwa – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] According to reliable intel, Shabwany elites’ forces thwarted an attack with an explosive belt on one of its posts in Azzan. The attacker, a 17-year Al-Qaeda terrorist, tried to reach a place where members of the Shabwany Elites Forces were praying Al-Esha but guards, using explosive detection technologies provided by UAE, managed to detect the terrorist and explode him before reaching the post, near one of Azzan entrances. Sources of Shabwany Elites forces indicated that there were no casualties of any kind and the identity of the terrorist is still under investigation.

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