Shatara Discusses with Delegation of EIP Current Political Developments in the South

The deputy chairman of the National Assembly and Head of the Research and Decision Support Center of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Mr. Lutfi Shatara, received today, Thursday, in the capital, Aden, a delegation from the European Institute for Peace (EIP), headed by the Director of Programs at the Institute, Mr. Jimmy Bledel, and the regional advisor specialized in Yemen Affairs at the Institute, Mr. Thanos Petouris.
During the meeting, Mr. Shatara affirmed the STC’s support for the endeavor made by the EIP to promote the peace process in the South and the entire region.
Shatara touched on the outcomes of the Southern National Dialogue, the signing of the National Charter, and the expansion of the STC to include new southern political forces and social components for partnership in political decision-making and shouldering responsibility for this country.
Shatara explained that choosing Al-Mukalla to host the sixth session of the National Assembly, during which the outcomes of the consultative meeting, the National Charter, and the decisions to restructure and expand the STC were approved, confirms the high status of Hadramout in the project of the South within the framework of the federal state of the South.
For his part, Mr. Bledel expressed his happiness at the grand success of the Southern National Dialogue in Aden and the positive results achieved in terms of strengthening the position of the STC during the comprehensive political process.
Bledel affirmed the support of the EIP for the efforts led by the STC to unify ranks, converge views, and whatever else would help bring peace.