South Arabia

Sheikh Lahmar Al-Awlaki Calls for All Southern to Mobilize to Azzan – Shabwa, Next Thursday

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Shabwa – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]S[/su_dropcap] heikh Lahmar Ali Laswad Al-Awlaki, a prominent tribal leader in Shabwa, called all southern citizens to mobilize to Azzan – Shabwa next Thursday, in response to the public call for all southern citizens of Shabwa directorates.

            This demonstration is to demand the return of Shabwa Elites to assume security missions in Shabwa and to end all robbery and criminal acts.

            Sheikh Lahmar Al-Awlaki demanded that this demonstration is to send a clear message to local authorities and occupation forces who are unable to restore security or stop criminal acts of Al-Eslah militias. He also demanded southern armed forces to face this aggression and defeat invaders.

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