South Arabia

Since Besieged, Ben Daghar Leaves Maasheek to Riyadh for the First Time

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Ahmed Obaid Ben Daghar, prime minister of Yemen, left Maasheek palace to Riyadh, for the first time since he was besieged in the palace by the southern resistance forces in Adan. It is noteworthy that commandership of the southern resistance forces set a timeframe for president Hady to dismiss Ben Daghar’s government because of its corruption. Later, this led to armed clashes in Adan ended by putting Maasheek palace under siege by the southern resistance before the commandership of the Arab Coalition interfered to end up the siege according to an agreement with the southern transitional council

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