South Arabia

Socotra Celebrates Victory of the Southern Resistance with A Carnival

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Socotra – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] On Monday February 5th, 2018, Socotra governorate witnessed a massive marsh supporting president Aidarous Al-Zubaidy, president of the southern transitional council and commander in chief of the southern resistance forces, in his decision issued on January 21st, 2018, calling for overthrowing Ben Daghar’s corrupt government. The marsh started at Liberation and Independence Square, near Saad Salmeen court, passing the old market towards the new public avenue (Avenue 20). During the marsh, citizens cheer with revolutionary cheers calling for dismissing Ben Daghar’s corrupt government and replacing it with a technocratic government in addition to expelling Yemeni occupation from the south. A carnival was held in avenue 20 starting with Quran recitation by Mohamed Saad Ahmed and the southern national anthem. Nazem Mubarak Ali Ben Kailan, chairman of the local leadership of the southern transitional council in Socotra delivered a speech asserting that citizens of Socotra support the decisions of the southern resistance and confirming that they will continue their way till they achieve the ultimate goal of liberating the south from northern occupation. Ben Kailan expressed his condolences to the families of martyrs who were killed by the corrupt government during Adan clashes.

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