Sooki and Al-Shabhi inspect the Oncology Center at Al-Sadaqa Hospital in the capital Aden

SMA NEWS – Aden the Capital
The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly, Lawyer Niran Sooki, together with Dr. Salem Al-Shabhi, Head of the Society’s Health and Environment Committee at the National Assembly, and on the directives of President Aidaroos Qassem Al-Zubaidi, visited on Sunday the Oncology Center at Al-Sadaqa Hospital in Aden the capital.
On the visit, Sooki and Al-Shabhi met with the director of Al-Sadaqa Hospital, Dr. Kifaya Al-Jazei, and they listened from her to a full explanation of the conditions and difficulties facing Al-Sadaqa Hospital, particularly the Oncology Center.
Lawyer Sooki confirmed that the Transitional Council will do everything it can, in coordination with the concerned authorities, to overcome all difficulties and obstacles that the hospital suffers from and to provide what is necessary.
At the end of the visit, Sooki and al-Shabhi toured the hospital departments, familiarizing themselves with the patients’ conditions, as well as the workflow therein.