South Arabia

Southern Ambushes Terrify the Enemy and Confuse its Moves

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]R[/su_dropcap]ecently, the rate of attacks and ambushes targeting stations, checkpoints and reinforcements of Al-Eslah militias that invaded the south again, increased significantly, leading to tens of killings and injuries while others escaped from the south. This led the militias to feel terrified due to these massive loses in addition to making their moves very difficult. Due to ambushes initiated by southern resistance forces, the militias find it very difficult to transfer their dead bodies and injured militants in addition to its high cost. Nowadays, the militias in Shabwa and Abian live under severe horror and anxiety, according to knowledgeable sources inside these troops.

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