South Arabia

Southern Armed Forces Exhaust an Attack of Al-Houthis in Hajar – Al-Dhala’a

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News –Al-Dhala’a – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Southern armed forces exhausted an attack launched by Al-Houthi militias in Al-Raibi, Lakmat Al-Duki, Hubail Al-Dabba, Hubail Al-Shaeri and Al-Sharifa in Hajar, west of Al-Dhala’a.
The militias tried to sneak into the southern armed forces’ stations by midnight and clashes continued till 3:00 am as the militias suffered severe loses.
The militias also tried to advance to AlZubairiat, Owaish and south east of Baja with heavy fire cover by BMB and medium range machine guns but they were forced to retreat back under heavy fire of southern armed forces, especially artillery that targeted them.
This attack comes as Al-Houthis had massive reinforcements four days ago for most fronts in AlZubairiat, Owaish, Baja, Al-Gub camp and Battar north west of Al-Dhala’a.

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