Southern Consultative Center for Rights and Freedoms in Geneva Reports Shooting of Peaceful Protesters in Shabwa and Abian to International Experts Team
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Geneva – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]S[/su_dropcap] outhern Consultative Center for Rights and Freedoms in Geneva reported the shooting of peaceful southern protesters in Shabwa and Abian by Al-Eslah militias to the international experts team. The following is translation of the report:
Report from: Southern Consultative Center for Rights and Freedoms in Geneva
Concerning: Shooting live bullets on civilian protesters
Military troops of Yemeni government, with brutal oppression against citizens of Azzan – Shabwa used excessive force to break up a peaceful demonstration protesting against ill security and life condition in Shabwa on October 3rd, 2019.
The troops opened live fire on protesters and killed “Said Al-Kumaishi” in addition to injuring two others. They also detained Saleh Mesawy, a southern journalist and member of southern journalists’ syndicate while covering the protests. They also beat his teammate, Mohamed Al-Rubh and intentionally broke his camera. Troops also detained 18 other civilian protesters.
On the other hand, a military unit of Al-Kalasi checkpoint on Shakra – Abian, detained 25 civilians on board of a bus coming from Hadhramaut to Aden without any excuse bu being souther, on October 3rd, 2019.
Southern Consultative Center for Rights and Freedoms thinks that shooting protesters and assassinating and injuring activists in addition to detaining tens of them, including Saleh Mesawy, and injuring his colleague, Mohamed Al-Rubh, represent severe human rights violations against domestic and international laws as these crimes violate human rights including the right to live and right to express opinions in addition to freedom of journalism.
- Southern Consultative Center for Rights and Freedoms holds the military unit at the time and place of the accident responsible for killing Said Al-Kumaishi and injuring his two colleagues.
- The center demands immediate and unconditioned release of Saleh Mesawi and punishing those who denied him his right in journalism work in addition to paying compensations for material damages of Mohamed Al-Rubh’s camera.
- The center demands immediate release of all detainees in addition to fair compensations in return of their damages. Furthermore, all those who denied them of their freedoms should be put to fair trial and not to escape punishment.
- The center considers this statement as a report to the International Experts Team and the National Committee of Investigations as the center demand urgent investigation in these severe violations against life, freedom and dignity of peaceful southern civilians.
- The center demands all domestic and international concerned organizations to condemn these acts that violate citizens’ lives, freedoms and dignity and to express solidarity with the southern people against violations committed by Yemeni governmental military forces.
Issued by: Southern Consultative Center for Rights and Freedoms in GenevaOctober 6th, 2019