Southern Dialogue team reviews impact of security situation in Red Sea on fishermen’s activity and local consumption

The Southern National Dialogue Team, headed by Mr. Abdul Salam Qasim Musaad, head of the team, on Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, met representatives of the Southern Fishermen’s Cooperative Union.
In the meeting, Musaad welcomed the meeting with senior leaders in the Fisheries Union, noting that the Southern National Dialogue Team pays attention to the cooperative unions, supports their formation and efforts to unify their work, and finds appropriate solutions to the problems they face in accordance with what was stipulated in the outcomes of the Southern Consultative Meeting.
The dialogue team was briefed by the leadership of the Fish Union on the preparations for holding the Fish Union Conference for Southern Fishermen, in addition to a number of difficulties facing the work of fishermen, most notably the impact of the repercussions of terrorist acts in the Red Sea on marine fishing operations, the economic situation, and the living conditions of citizens.
The attendees explained that the Houthi terrorist militia’s use of booby-trapped boats to carry out targeting and piracy operations in the Red Sea caused international forces to tighten their security measures and expose fishermen to accountability, which greatly limited the scope of fishing operations due to security measures in the middle of the sea, and greatly weakened fish production with fears of… The poor condition of fishermen and its negative impact on the abundance of fish in the local market.
The meeting also touched on the negative effects resulting from the pollution of fish farms with sewage resulting from the establishment of residential cities near fish farm ponds in Borika and the extent of its danger to human and fish lives, calling for the competent authorities to quickly assume their responsibility towards protecting fish farming and production ponds and maintaining a healthy safe environment.
The meeting discussed the importance of activating follow-up and monitoring of the fish market through cooperation and coordination with the relevant authorities in this field, and following special standards in caring for the quality and preservation of fish, and the safety of their consumption, especially those transported to rural areas.