South Arabia

Southern Leader: Any Solution that Ignores the Southern Transitional Council Will Fail

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Follow-ups[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Mansour Saleh, a prominent leader of the southern transitional council indicated that the meeting between the new UN delegate to Yemen and council’s leaders is a must if peace is to be achieved. In his interview with Sputnik Agency last Tuesday, Saleh said: Martin Griffith knew a lot about Yemen and its problem, and he knows well that there will be no solution unless the southern transitional council is part of it”. Saleh added: “Griffith was warmly welcomed in Adan because of his clear attitude towards the south and his eagerness to meet the council as a unifying umbrella for the south. Southern flags represent a clear message to UN and international society that Griffith is in Adan which is totally different from Sanaa. UN delegate should feel that difference to direct his attention towards disengagement and restoring the southern state. The council, syndicates and students will deliver creative messages to Griffith demanding a supporting attitude from him to the southern cause”. Saleh indicated that Griffith is a good observer for the region in general and especially Yemen and the British know this region well and are eager to play a vital role in solving this issue. Therefore, Saleh though that appointing a British diplomat as a UN delegate to Yemen is not random because his attitude will be close to his country’s. Saleh also indicated that the British know well that the so-called union was temporary without any historical support except for false claims. Saleh hoped that Griffith’s vision will differ from his predecessors as facts on the ground say that the transitional council is the rightful representative of the south in any upcoming negotiations. Concerning negotiation between the council and the legitimacy, Saleh asserted that legitimacy fell on January 30th according to understandings with the Arab Coalition to seize fire in return of changing the government. But these understandings didn’t apply so that it didn’t become a victory for the council.

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