South Arabia

Southern Movement of Hadhramaut Calls for Citizens to Mobilize in Adan for Celebration of 14th October

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Hadhramaut[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] A statement issued by the southern movement of Hadhramaut called for all citizens tp mobilize in Adan for the celebrations of 14th October Revolution. SAMA News is republishing the statement due to its importance.
A few day and we will celebrate the 54th anniversary of 12th October Revolution. For this occasion and in response to the call of the Southern Transitive Council under Commandership of Aidarous Al-Zubaidy, we are calling for all citizens of Hadhramaut to mobilizes in Adan for active participation in the celebrations on October 14th demonstrations prepared by all leaders of the councils of southern movement in all directorates. Committees in each directorate are asked to register the names of participants to mobilize them by buses to Adan as this event will coincide with the celebrations of southern resistance victories and liberation of most southern territories and the success of the southern transitive council as the only representative of the southern people.
The council asks all citizens of Hadhramaut to participate in these historical events as the whole world is waiting for our response towards our southern cause and our participation will show the world how far are we sticking to our cause
Issued by
The council of Southern Revolutionary Movement for Liberation and Independence of the South – Valley of Hadhramaut
October 5th 2017

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