South Arabia

Southern Resistance Controls Gebel Al-Kurba and Penetrates Towards Al-Kubaita

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Tour Al-Baha – Lahj – Ala Sultan [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Southern resistance and national army, supported by Al-Subiha men, continued their penetration towards Al-Kubaita from Al-Gawazea, north west Tour Al-Baha, for the third day. Our military reporter in Tour Al-Baha indicated that the southern resistance and national arm managed to fully control the strategic area of Gebel Al-Kurba in Al-Gawazea after fierce clashes that lasted for more than three hours and resulted in severe casualties among the Al-Houthi militias in addition to seizing weapons and ammunition. Three resistance men, Abdu Said Hasan, Ibrahim Mohamed Shaher and Musheer Ahmed Salem, were injured during clashes. In a try to relieve pressure, Al-Houthi militias launched heavy strikes with mortar shells and hawkers on civilians’ houses in Al-Gawazea, after their bitter defeat in Gebel Al-Kurba. Strikes led to several casualties among civilians.

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