South Arabia

Southern Resistance Controls New Posts of Al-Houthis in Al-Kubaita

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-=Arabia Al-Yemenia – Al-Kubaita – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] With backup of Arab Coalition air forces, the southern resistance forces managed to control several posts, formerly controlled by Al-Houthi militias, in Al-Kubaita on Tuesday. The southern resistance achieved major advances towards Souk Khamees, west of Al-Kubaita after violent clashes with Al-Houthi militias that were defeated under attack and air raids of the Arab Coalition. A field source indicated that the southern resistance controlled most of the mountains surrounding Mougaz, Subaih and Wady Khamees while violent clashes continue towards Souk Khamees. Clashes led to the killing of 10 militans with several injuries in addition to destroying a military set and amounts of weapons and ammunition. The southern resistance continued its advance towards the strategic post of Gebel Rukiza where the militias are stationed. Local citizens indicated that Al-Houthis retaliated with violent bombard with medium and heavy weapons on citizens’ houses in Aireem and Al-Muzaiha, west of Al-Kubaita.

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