South Arabia

Southern Transitional Council of Abian Holds an Extraordinary Meeting

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Abian – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]
[su_dropcap]T[/su_dropcap]he executive commission of the Southern Transitional Council of Abian held an extraordinary meeting on Thursday December 20th, 2018 to discuss the council’s activities and events during 2018. The meeting was headed by brigadier Aidarous Kuhais, chairman of Abian Local Leadership and attended by Mohsen Eyd Said, vice chairman of the council.
Mohsen Eyd Said presented the general report of activities held by the council since its establishment in January 2018. Activities included events, festivals and establishing women centers on Khanfar and Zanzibar. The report also presented sports activities among youth and filing data of martyrs and injured. All these activities were successfully held in a very short time despite difficulties facing such efforts in Abian.
The meeting also discussed main headlines of the activities plan in addition to the secretary general’s letter concerning preparation of 2019 plan.

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