South Arabia

Special forces under Command of Al-Awban, Arrest tens of the Southern Movement Leaders in Abian ‎

[su_label type=”info”]Breaking News – Abian – SAMA News[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Special forces under command of Mohamed Al-Waban Al-Marmy, launched arrest campaign against leaders and activists of the Southern Movement after a festival held by local authorities in Abian ‎attended by prime minister Ahmed Ben Doghr. Arrests included Abdullah Awad Al-Harby, Doen Mansour Doen, Ihab Hidara Mohamed, Ali Ben Ali Sufian, Mohamed Awad Al-Warey, Said Mohamed‎ Amoura and Abdulrakeeb Al-Senidy. The arrested journalist Abdulrakeeb Al-Senidy indicated that ‎the special forces arrested him and other activists while organizing a protest marsh against the festival of September 26th celebration held in Abian. ‎

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