South Arabia

Spokesman of the Council: Al-Houthis Would Never Approach Our Borders Unless Al-Eslah Continues Betrayal and Conspiracy against the South

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]
[su_dropcap]I[/su_dropcap]n a clear reference to Al-Eslah party and its leaders in the legitimacy, Nizar Haitham, official spokesman of the southern transitional council said: “Every time and everywhere, the public will know that there are traitors who lie being with the legitimacy and the coalition while they are the first to stab in the back”.
In his post on face book, Haitham said: “Their betrayal for their country is not enough for them. Therefore, they betray their people and their religion. They stand with Al-Houthis, the aggressor, against innocent civilians who are their brothers”.
He asserted: “To everyone, inside and outside the south, we reveal that but for Al-Eslaj betrayals and their conspiracy through freezing resistance against Al-Houthis and surrendering their zones and camps in the north, Al-Houthis would never dare to approach our borders. But their end is suicide on the walls of the south”.
He added: “Foolishly, Al-Eslah leaders repeated what they did in 2015 invasion when they surrendered Sanaa to Al-Houthis. Before that, Al-Yadoumi froze Al-Eslah and its militias under his foolish saying “we will never be pulled”, just to allow Al-Houthis to advance to Aden. Al-Eslah policy was to hit Al-Houthis with the the Southern resistance just to weaken both of them while his Muslim Brotherhood militias remain away from the conflict and ready to impose its project when the time comes. But at that time, the south exhausted the whole project and expelled Al-Houthis and terrorists out of the the south”.
Addressing southern resistance, Haitham said: “Our heroes in Al-Dalia, Lahj and Abian. You, who fight for your country. We repeat the words of president Al-Zubaidi. You are the pride of this nation. You are the carriers and defenders of our southern victorious flags. You are defending with your soles and bloods. Be as we always know you, defenders of this nations and its cause. You are our hope. Our people expect a lot from you. assume your responsibilities and may God protect your precious soles.

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