Statement by Rapporteur about Convening 6th Session of the National Assembly in Mukalla

The Rapporteur of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Mr. Nasr Harhara, on Thursday, from the capital, Aden, issued a statement regarding the convening of the 6th session of the National Assembly of STC, and inviting the members of the Assembly to attend and participate in it.
The statement came as follows:
In accordance with the Statute of the Southern Transitional Council, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, issued Resolution No. (7) for the year 2023, about inviting the National Assembly to hold its 6th session, in the city of Mukalla in Hadramout governorate on May 21, 2023, and in accordance with the directives of Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, the Chairman of the National Assembly, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council, we invite all members of the National Assembly to attend this session, which will be held in Mukalla of Hadramout, on the specified date above.
During this session, it is certain that the National Assembly will stand before several major issues, including the political, living, and service situation that the South is experiencing during this current stage. The National Assembly will also stand before the results of the Southern National Dialogue and its outcomes, in addition to the results of the restructuring process of the Southern Transitional Council and its bodies, particularly the restructuring of the National Assembly.
The National Assembly, in its 6th session, will stand before the political negotiations sponsored by the United Nations and the countries in the region, which are expected to set the issue of the people of the South in a special framework in the negotiations of the upcoming comprehensive peace process, in addition to a number of important issues related to the South and its people.
The convening of the 6th session of the National Assembly in the city of Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout governorate, carries special significance and meaning, as the forces of the First Military Region is still wreaking havoc on part of the governorate, which is Wadi Hadramout and along the line extending to Al-Mahra governorate, where there are still problems in those areas because of these forces, but despite that, the Hadramout coast is considered a safe and stable region, therefore, the 6th session of the National Assembly will be held there, and this proves the importance of the city of Mukalla, both economically and historically.
In view of the strategic, economic, civilizational and cultural importance enjoyed by Hadramout, with its coast that extends along a long coastal line, and its valley, which is an authentic tourist and cultural treasure, and the historical depth of Hadramout to the south in general, through its originality, people, civilization and culture, the convening of the 6th session of the National Assembly is of distinguished importance and has a special status, it reflects and confirms that Aden and Mukalla are as two wings for the South to fly with, and by them it will fly in the spaciousness of freedom and independence and the restoration of its southern state with its full sovereignty on the borders before May 22, 1990