Statement of the public meeting of second Hadhrami uprising in Al-Rudoud

The mass crowds who responded to the call of the second Hadhrami uprising to attend and gathering in Al-Rudoud area issued an important statement.
The text of the statement has come as follows:
Dear sons of Hadramout,
Hadramout has gone through many turns that led to a number of political and economic changes in previous periods that led to the marginalization of its role and the role of its cadres in the past stages.
Hadramout was the pioneer in the industry of civilizations in previous times and the industry of cadres that took upon themselves the mobilization of many societies in different continents of the world, whether in the religious, economic or political field, and this reflects the extent of the ethics that these men from Hadhramaut carried.
Hadramout was the factory of men, a school of conduct, and a beacon of knowledge, and still is.
Today, Hadramout and its people live in harsh conditions and a situation that did not express the size of Hadramout’s real past or present. There are parties that wanted Hadramout and its people to be in a weak role so that those parties and those behind them could loot the wealth of Hadramout.
Through this, the men of Hadramout, represented by the second Hadhrami uprising led by Sheikh\ Hassan bin Saeed Al-Jabri and his brothers in Hadramout General Meeting (Hru), took serious steps to restore the rights of Hadramout and restore its looted wealth with the help of all the sons of Hadramout in previous periods.
And as a continuation of these steps, on this day we urge the people of Hadramout to stand with the leadership of the Second uprising and the Outcomes’ Committee of Hadramout General Meeting (Hru) to complete the extraction of Hadramout’s rights, which the local authority and the government violated.
Therefore, we decided the following:
1- Emphasizing the exit of the first military region and ridding the valley of terrorism, in implementation of the provisions of the Riyadh agreement and consultations, which include the transfer of those forces to the confrontation fronts against the Houthis.
2- Supporting the popular escalation of the people of Hadramout and standing by them to achieve their demands, and that we will not stand idly by in the face of the attacks that are targeting them by the First Military Region.
3- Human rights organizations should monitor the violations committed by the First Military Region Command against the people of Wadi Hadramout, who are claiming their rights
4- Reaffirming the right of the people of Hadramout to manage their own affairs.
5- The local authorities and the government must abide by all their commitments made with the uprising for the benefit of the citizens.
6- In the event that the government did not fulfill its promises and commitments that it made, the Hadhrami uprising has the right to carry out the appropriate escalation at all levels.
7- In the event that the Houthi threat to stop the export of oil from Hadramout continues and the government fails to re-export, which will result in harm to Hadhrami labor and the level of oil production, we will take the appropriate options in coordination with the people of Hadramout and the South in general and the brothers in the Arab coalition.
8- Emphasizing the implementation of the outcomes of the General Hru meeting by the government and the local authority in the governorate.
9- Emphasizing that the future of Hadramout will only be within the framework of a new federal southern state and with full partnership that reserves Hadramout’s full rights and that this is the project of the vast majority in Hadramout.