South Arabia

STC Assembly Applauds Popular and Tribal Movement in Abyan and Underpins Aspirations of People of Hadhramaut

The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its weekly meeting on Wednesday, headed by Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly and Acting President of the STC.

In the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Issam Abdo, the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly, Mr. Al-Kathiri applauded the popular and tribal movement in Abyan Governorate, affirming the governorate’s importance to the STC and its leadership as the “flank of the South,” highlighting that the people of Abyan have consistently made their choice decades ago, as they were among the first who have cheaply sacrificed their precious souls to liberate themselves from the brunt of occupation and its consequences, to achieve independence and build the state of the South.

Mr. Al-Kathiri added, saying: “The ongoing movement in Abyan Governorate and the intense meetings witnessed recently in all Abyan districts, declaring its renewal of trust in the STC, led by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, and their unwavering commitment to the martyrs’ cause, and that there is no way and no alternative except to restore the Southern right and to break free from all forms and eras of domination and tyranny. As well as its support for the Southern Armed Forces in the ongoing war against the oppressive Houthi militias and terrorist groups.”

In the same context, the administrative body underpinned the outcomes of the expanded meeting of the STC leadership in Hadhramaut, held last Monday. The meeting announced a vision and roadmap to extricate Hadhramaut from its current state of tensions and crises, while reaffirming the principles for which martyrs have ultimately sacrificed their lives. Moreover, the STC reiterated its commitment to standing with the people of Hadhramaut and their right to self-governance and security, as well as their right to benefit from the revenues of their resources and to rid themselves of the remnants of tyranny and plunder, noting that these objectives can only be fully realized by imposing their will on the entire territory of the governorate, including the Valley and Desert of Hadhramaut.

The body underpinned the decision to form a communication committee announced at the conclusion of the STC’s expanded leadership meeting in Hadhramaut. The committee will be tasked, with a call for it to closely work as a single team, to effectively communicate with local authorities, civil society, and tribal leaders, with the aim of agreeing on an action plan that strengthens the social fabric, empowers Hadrami people to participate in governance and decision-making, and advocates for the rights of Hadhramaut.

The body has commended Southern Security Services (SSS), in their various formations, for the efforts in detecting and pursuing Houthi and terrorist cells aiming to destabilize Southern society, highlighting the need for a united front against these infiltrating elements and pledging support for SSS and military forces to thwart any hatched plans or hostile movements.

In another context, the body listened to a report on the current state of public education in the South, presented by the Education Committee of the National Assembly. The report provided a comprehensive assessment of the challenges facing the education sector in the South, reviewing its major long-standing issues since 1994 until today, as well as outlines a series of solutions and recommendations in such regard.

Upon concluding its meeting, the body deliberated on the recent developments pertaining to the living conditions and services in the South. Subsequently reviewed and approved the minutes of its preceding meeting.

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