STC Assembly Condemns Mudiyah Terrorist Attack and Reaffirms Backing for Southern Armed Forces

The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its routine weekly meeting on Wednesday, headed by Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly and Acting President of the STC.
Mr. Al-Kathiri began the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Issam Abdo, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly, and Dr. Nawal Jawad Salem, Director-General of the Education Office in the capital, Aden, by emphasizing the administrative body’s unwavering support for the Southern Armed Forces (SAF) and its condemnation of the cowardly terrorist operation that targeted a site of the Third Brigade of Support and Reinforcement in Mudiyah District, Aryan governorate, resulting in the martyrdom of 16 soldiers and the wounding of 18 of the brigade’s heroes.
The administrative body has renewed its call on the people of the South to coalesce around and redouble their support for the SAF and security services in the decisive battle against terrorism. The body has also appealed to all regional and international actors to support the SAF in their crucial fight against terrorism and its organizations, given that the threat they pose targets everyone in the region and the world.
The body has commended the heroic role played by the Southern Security Services and SAF in countering terrorist groups and attacks by the Houthi militia, as well as in maintaining security and stability in Abyan Governorate in particular and the South in general. Moreover, they highlighted their role in countering the incitement media campaigns and disinformation targeting the SAF.
The administrative body subsequently reviewed a report submitted by the Committee on University Education, Technical Education, and Vocational Training. The report presented a comprehensive assessment of the current state of higher education, technical education, and vocational training in the South, analyzing relevant indicators and identifying the challenges and obstacles hindering its progress. The report also included a series of recommendations and proposals.
Following this, the body listened to a briefing by Dr. Nawal Jawad, who presented an overview of the education office workflow as well as the challenges facing public education and the teaching staff in the capital, Aden. She outlined the preparations and arrangements being made to commence the new school year given the available resources, highlighting the shortage of school books and proposing immediate and feasible solutions to improve the educational situation.
The heads of the Assembly committees presented a series of insights and suggestions to enhance the role of public education, university, technical, and vocational teaching with the aim of improving the educational process in the capital, Aden, and the South in general.
At the end of its meeting, the body touched on a range of developments related to the economic and service conditions in the South, in addition to reviewing and approving the minutes of their previous meeting.