STC Community Commission Commends Efforts of Tribal Reconciliation in the South
The Community Commission (CC), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), held on Wednesday in the capital, Aden, its regular meeting for the month of August, headed by Brigadier General Pilot Nasser Al-Saadi, head of the CC.
The meeting discussed recent developments in southern society and the efforts that have been made to achieve social reconciliation among tribes of the South.
The meeting emphasized the significance of these steps in fostering Southern national unity and consolidating cohesiveness to counter the challenges facing the South.
The meeting commended President Aidarous
Al-Zubaidi’s decree to form a committee to resolve the issue of blood feuds in Yafe’a, praising the agreements reached in several governorates of the South aimed at rejecting division and discord and focusing on commonalities.
The Community Commission warned of attempts by the Houthi terrorist militia to promote extremist ideologies in the South, highlighting the need to raise public awareness of the dangers of these ideas, which are incompatible with the values of southern society.”
The meeting called on social and tribal leaders, as well as citizens, to positively cooperate with STC and fulfill their roles and responsibilities in fostering Southern national unity and safeguarding the South from any threats.
The Commission commended the recent meeting held in Abyan Governorate, which highlighted the critical importance of vigilance against the spread of extremist ideologies.
The Commission also discussed a report submitted by the Media and Cultural Department regarding the latest developments in antiquities and tourism in the governorates of the South, in addition to performance reports of departments of the general secretariat of the STC affiliated with the CC.