STC Council of Advisors Voices Backing Popular Movements in Hadhramaut and Abyan Demanding Security and Stability

27-08-2024 Tuesday
The Administrative Body of the Council of Advisors (CoA) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting in the capital, Aden, on Tuesday, chaired by Mr. Ahmad al-Rabizi, Deputy Chairman of the CoA.
In its meeting, the administrative body discussed the most prominent events of the political scene in the Southern national scene, including popular movements in the governorates of Hadramaut and Abyan demanding security and stability and confronting terrorist elements and all the forces that harbor and support them against the security and stability of the South.
The body has voiced its backing for the outcomes of the expanded meeting of the STC leadership in Hadramaut Governorate, which support fulfilling the demands of the people of Hadramaut to manage the affairs of their governorate and reject any projects that do not meet their aspirations.
The body has endorsed a series of proposals and recommendations designed to streamline and enhance the workflow of committees of the CoA. These measures aim to foster improved communication with all committees across governorates of the South, ultimately providing more comprehensive services to citizens, particularly in the realms of security, public services, and healthcare.
The meeting touched on a report on the level of staff work discipline and the weekly work activity of the advisory committees, in addition to reviewing and approving the minutes of the previous meeting.