STC Local Leadership in Aden the capital honors a number of teachers in primary and secondary schools

The local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the capital, Aden, on Thursday, honored a number of veteran primary and secondary education teachers in schools of the capital districts, under the generous patronage of President Aidarous Qasim Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council.
During the honoring, Mr. Essam Abdo Ali, the acting head of the Executive Body of the local leadership of STC in the capital, Aden, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the honorees, conveying to them the greetings and appreciation of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, pointing out that this honor comes as a witness to history on the legacy of science and education in the state of the South, which was, at some point, one of the first countries in the world on the UNESCO list in the level of distinguished education, explaining that this remarkable success would not have been achieved without the great efforts made by male and female teachers and their sincerity and dedication in their educational work during that great era.
Essam stressed that the Southern Transitional Council is keen to restore education in the South to its great level that it was known for in the past, pointing out that science is the first line of defense to overcome ignorance, poverty and extremism, and protect the country and the citizen, wishing the honored women good health and a long life.
The honoring, which was held in the hall of the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of STC in Tawahi, included honoring “16” of female teachers from the expert teachers of the past great time of the primary and secondary education stages, who contributed to the advancement of science and education and had a prominent role and a clear imprint in producing a great generation armed with science and knowledge over the years. Generations in all schools of the capital, Aden.
For their part, the honored teachers expressed their great happiness with this honor, expressing their thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council for this kind honorary gesture, appreciating the care and interest of the leadership of the STC in the educational process in the capital, Aden, and in all governorates of the South.