STC Military Media Organizes Symposium on “Achievements of Our Southern Armed Forces in the War on Terrorism”

The National Southern Media Authority (NSMA), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) represented by the Military Media Center (MMC) of the Southern Armed Forces, organized a symposium today, Monday, in the capital, Aden, on “Achievements of Our Southern Armed Forces in the War on Terrorism: Its Importance and Regional and International Impact.”
The symposium, which was attended by Mr. Salem Thabit Al-Awlaqi, Head of NSMA and Spokesman of the STC, Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed, head of the Women’s Commission, Lawyer Niran Souqi, head of the Humanitarian Aid and Relief Commission (HARC), Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafe’y, Deputy Head of NSMA, Brigadier General Mukhtar Al-Nubi, Commander of the Abyan Axis, Brigadier General Mohsen Al-Wali, Commander of the Security Belt Forces (SBF), and a number of military and security leaders and researchers, displayed a documentary film about the dedicated efforts of the Southern Armed Forces in the war on terrorism entitled “Lions of the Battle of Existence.” i.e., a fight for tooth and nail to defend the Southern homeland.
The documentary film included a chronological account of the military and security operations carried out by our Southern Armed Forces in the fight against terrorism. The first chapter of this fight began in the capital, Aden, in March 2016 and extended to all the governorates of the South, including the liberation of Al-Mukalla and all the cities in the Hadramaut Coast, as well as Shabwah, Abyan, and Lahj.
The film presented compelling evidence demonstrating how the founding of the STC in May 2017 marked a strategic turning point in the fight against terrorism, ushering in an era of decline for terrorist organizations and leading to the loss of their major strongholds, hideouts, and training camps, including Wadi Omaran in Abyan Governorate and Wadi Al-Masini on the Hadramaut Coast.
Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Al-Naqib, Spokesman of the Southern Armed Forces and Head of the Military Media Center at NSMA, presented a research paper focused on the significance of the achievements of our Southern Armed Forces in the war on terrorism and their regional and international impact. He emphasized that the victories of our forces, with the support of our brotherly United Arab Emirates, in countering terrorism represent a resounding success in the global war on terrorism and a direct contribution to mitigating the threat and impact of terrorist groups and organizations at the regional and international levels.
He stated that these achievements secured by our Southern Armed Forces have manifested in the weakening, debilitating, and inflicting defeats of AQAP in the Arabian Peninsula, which constitutes a primary source of global terrorism and its human stock.
He added: While our southern armed forces are achieving all these victories on terrorism, there are those who support terrorist organizations, finance them logistically and with advanced equipment and weapons, including drones (unmanned aerial vehicles), and facilitate the movement of their elements away from the eyes of the Arab and international coalition in combating terrorism.
All in all, the symposium witnessed a number of interventions from the attendees, commending the well-organized, well-enlightened, highly fruitful, and rich symposium and the production of the documentary film highlighting the key security and military challenges facing the South.