STC Political Commission Renews Commitment to Developing Special Negotiating Framework for Cause of the South

The Political Commission (PC), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), held its periodic meeting for the first half of January 2024 on Thursday in the capital, Aden, chaired by Dr. Nasser Al-Khubaji, Head of the PC and Head of the Negotiations Unit of the STC.
In the meeting, the PC discussed the latest developments in the political scene and recent developments in the situation, namely the escalation taking place in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, which threatens international peace and security, and efforts related to the peace process, highlighting that the political process led by the UN Special Envoy can never lead to success unless the cause of the people of the South is at the forefront of all political issues and within its special agreed-on negotiating framework.
In the same context, the Commission pointed out that the South is going through a crucial and critical phase, which calls for steadfastness, a sense of responsibility, and working as a single team to preserve the national gains and achievements that have been fulfilled due to the ultimate sacrifices of the people of the South.
The Commission congratulated the grand success of the House of Commons convention in the capital, Aden, appreciating the importance of this momentous event that will keep pace with developments in the current political situation and its various upcoming phases, as well as the holding of the founding conference of the Southern Women’s Union.
The Commission reviewed the plans and reports on the performance of the bodies, departments, and committees represented in the PC during the past two weeks and the topics on its agenda and took the appropriate measures.