South Arabia

STC Presidium: Opening of Roads Must Be Conducted Under UN Supervision and Local Oversight Committees

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) reiterated in its regularly scheduled meeting held today, Thursday, chaired by President Aidarous Qasisem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, its rejection of any unilateral measures to open roads and crossings.

The Presidium stressed in the meeting, which was attended by the STC’s ministers in the government and the heads of the auxiliary commissions assisting the Presidium, that the process of opening roads and crossings is linked to the roadmap and must be conducted under UN supervision, security committees, and international and local monitoring from both parties, pointing out that what the militia is doing of unilaterally opening roads is considered an abortion and a failure of the international efforts and the roadmap.

In the same context, the Presidium stood before a report of the Auxiliary Political Commission, which included the most important developments in the political scene with a focus on developments related to the political process. In this regard, the Presidium highlighted the importance of not fragmenting the files of the political process and the necessity of UN sponsorship that obligates all parties to implement the outcomes.

In another context, the Presidium welcomed the partial response by international organizations to the circulars issued by the government and the beginning of transferring part of its working teams and headquarters from Sana’a to the capital, Aden, calling on the concerned authorities in the local authority and the government to provide the required facilities to the staff of international organizations and to coordinate with them on a mechanism that ensures support and projects provided by donors are directed to target well-deserving groups and are not politically exploited by any party.

The Presidium then listened to a briefing from Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Vice President of the STC, about his visit, with a member of the STC’s Presidium, Mr. Fadi Baoum, and the Southern National Dialogue Team (SNDT), to Hadramaut Governorate, and the results of the meetings he held with the governor of the governorate, local leadership executive bodies (LLEBs), and representatives of political components and civil society organizations. Women and youth sectors.

In this respect, the Presidium lauded the fruitful outcomes of the meetings held by the Vice President of the STC, which led to resolving many issues and problems, foremost of which is the teachers’ strike, as well as the understandings reached by the SNDT with the political components, at the forefront of which was the Hadhramaut all-inclusive conference, stressing the importance of continuing and circulating to the rest of the governorates to strengthen the national cohesiveness of the South.

At the end of its meeting, the Presidium expressed its thanks and gratitude to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), represented by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, for the grant of feul derivatives allocated to power plants to maintain the stability of electricity service in the liberated governorates during the blessed month of Ramadan, affirming that this is not strange or new to the leadership of the brotherly Emirates and its sincere fraternal and humanitarian stances with our people in different periods and under all circumstances.

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