STC Presidium Stands Before Final Arrangements for the House of Commons Convention

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Saturday, chaired by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zoubaidi, President of the STC.
In its meeting, the Presidium discussed the final preparations for the meeting of the House of Commons of the STC, the first session of the National Assembly for the year 2024, and the founding meeting of the Council of Advisors, which will begin its work on January 2, 2024.
In its meeting, which was attended by the heads of the auxiliary commissions and the Vice Chairman of the Council of Advisors, the Presidium listened to a briefing by the Chairman of the National Assembly and head of the Preparatory Committee for the meeting of the House of Commons, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, in which he reviewed the progress of the final arrangements for the upcoming meetings, their agendas, and the documents that will be discussed in the meeting of the House of Commons and the first session of the National Assembly in 2024.
In this context, the Presidium stressed the importance of completing all arrangements for the convening of the House of Commons, noting the importance of the event, which comes as a continuation of the organizational building of the structure of the STC, and a recent experience pursued by the Council’s presidium towards strengthening the principles of democracy and involving all in decision-making.
On the organizational side, the Presidium stood before the regularly scheduled report submitted by the Youth Commission (YC), which included a presentation of the YC activity since its formation, the level of performance, work, and tasks it accomplished in the second half of the year 2023, the strategic plans that the YC is working on for the coming year, the most prominent challenges that hinder its work, and suggestions that can contribute to addressing them.
To the end of its meeting, the Presidium touched on a variety of local and external topics and issues, in addition to a range of topics related to the work of the central and local bodies of the STC, and took the appropriate measures.
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