South Arabia

STC Presidium Welcomes UN Security Council Resolution Demanding Immediate Gaza Ceasefire

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) welcomed the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in occupied Palestine.

The Presidium, in its regularly- scheduled meeting held today, Tuesday, headed by the Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the STC’s Presidium, Mr. Fadhl Al-Gaadi, and attended by the heads of auxiliary bodies of the Presidium of the STC, expressed its hope that this resolution will be an entry point to end the humanitarian suffering in the Gaza Strip and would contribute urgently to the flow of aid to the besieged population.

In a separate context, the Presidium stood before the political and military developments at the local and regional levels coinciding with the ninth anniversary of the Decisive Storm. In this regard, the Presidium renewed its thanks and gratitude, on behalf of our people in the South, to the official brothers in the Arab coalition countries led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, who rushed to support our people in their fateful battle against the Houthi militias.

The Presidium appreciated the great ultimate sacrifices of blessed martyrs of members of the Arab Coalition Forces and the heroic Southern Resistance, noting that they embodied the highest meanings of sincere fraternity in defending the Arab project and eradicating the threat of the Iranian expansionist project in the region.

The touched touched on a range of developments related to the national cause of the people of the South, with a focus on the political process led by the United Nations to bring peace to the region and its implications, and developments related to the Houthi escalation in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb, and the Gulf of Aden and its repercussions on the country and the region.

In the context of the meeting, the Presidium discussed the achievement report of the auxiliary bodies for the second half of the year 2023, presented by the head of the STC’s Institutional Development Commission (IDC), Mr. Saeed Saadan, which included what the bodies have accomplished in four main axes that included organizational performance, and the goals fulfilled by the bodies, in addition to taking the appropriate measures and recommendations in this regard.

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