STC Support Center Discusses Strengthening Diplomatic Front and Partnership with the Coalition

The Research and Decision Support Center (RDSC) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its third regular meeting for the month of July on Monday, in the capital, Aden, chaired by Dr. Mohammed Jaafar, deputy head of the RDSC.
The meeting focused on crucial aspects of bolstering the diplomatic front and refining the parameters and regulations governing external diplomatic endeavors in order to keep pace with regional and international developments and to effectively navigate any challenges that may arise.
The meeting called for strengthening the partnership between the STC and the Arab Coalition in the humanitarian and relief fields and directing the mechanisms of work of the organizations operating in the South in accordance with the requirements of the stage.
The meeting also reviewed a number of working papers to provide comments and remarks on them, in preparation for submitting them as recommendations to the STC’s Presidium.