STC’s Legal and Human Rights Commission Holds Periodic Meeting and Discusses Range of Legal Topics

The legal and human rights commission (LHRC), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), held its periodic meeting today, Thursday, chaired by Dr. Sa’ad Mohammad Sa’ad, head of the LHRC.
During the meeting, several topics were discussed, on top of which was a report submitted by a member of LHRC responsible for reviewing the by-laws of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the STC, which included a number of observations and ideas that contributed to developing all the formal and substantive items of the by-laws.
Furthermore, the meeting studied a proposal submitted by the team assigned by the LHRC in a previous meeting on developing a legal vision for framing the electronic campaigns launched by news websites and social media and the impacts emanating from them.
The meeting stood before developments and events that affect a number of legal and human rights issues, which the LHRC should follow up on, monitor, and provide a legal opinion , as well as the topics on its agenda and took the appropriate measures and decisions thereon.