STC’s Presidency Applauds Heroes of Southern Armed Forces for Defending Homeland and Preserving Security and Stability

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Tuesday, chaired by Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, the Secretary General of the Presidium of the STC, Minister of State, and Governor of the Capital, Aden.
In its meeting, the Presidency stood before the latest developments in the military and security situation in the south, and the Houthi-Brotherhood liaison that has been directed at re-subjugating the south to Yemeni influential powers.
The Presidency applauded the steadfastness of the heroes of the military and security forces against this cooperative liaison and the ultimate sacrifices made by these forces in protecting the borders of the south and maintaining its security and stability.
The Presidency reiterated the need for the Arab coalition to provide qualitative and logistical support to the units of the southern armed forces, to stop the Houthi arrogance that threatens security and stability in the south, the entire region, and the international corridors, in addition to supporting the war against terrorism that the army and security forces of the south are fighting on behalf of the region and the world.
The Presidency stressed the importance of working hard to halt all facilities provided to the Houthi militia resulting from the previous truces and to expedite the government in transferring all the headquarters of government agencies that fund the Houthi militia with resources in the sectors of communications, development, and welfare funds, as well as the headquarters of international organizations, and obligating all banks and private companies to transfer their headquarters to the capital, Aden, or cease their dealing, affirming that the continued leniency in this regard serves the Houthi terrorist orientations.
In another context, the Presidency reiterated its call for the necessity to expeditiously pay the annual increments, settlements, and all procedures submitted by the Ministry of Civil Service, which were fully approved by the cabinet and nothing remains but implementation, emphasizing the need to remove all deliberate obstacles that are placed to hinder execution.
They called on the power-sharing government to urgently begin correspondence and communication with international organizations, to shift headquarters to the capital, Aden, and to express its permanent readiness to provide all facilities to ease its work in all areas included in their programs, to deliver service to those who deserve it instead of letting the Houthi militia exploit for sectarian orientations.
To the end of the meeting, the Presidency discussed several topics and issues related to the organizational and administrative work of the STC and took appropriate measures in this regard.