STC’s Presidency : Propagators of Hadhramaut State are themselves Pro-Hadramout Region within Yemen and their Financer is one

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Tuesday, chaired by Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, member of the Presidium of the STC and Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat.
The Presidency asserted that the propagators of the state of Hadramout are themselves the pro-regions project within the country of Yemen and are financed from the same source, undicating that projects are goalless and just a futile attempt to weaken the struggle of the people of the South in restoring their state, whose strategic depth is Hadhramaut, with the aim of singling it out to the re-subjugation, occupation, and influence of the Yemeni powers and forces.
The Presidency , too, reiterated that the vast majority of the people of Hadramout have made their decision and led the processions of struggle over the past decades for the full independence of the South and the establishment of a coalesced federal state that meets the rights of all the people of the South and builds an effective national partnership.
In another context, the Presidency discussed the security situation in certain governorates of the South and the ultimate sacrifices made by the heroes of the Southern Armed Forces and Southern Service to eradicate terrorist outposts and their continuous victories over chasing terrorist elements, calling on the Arab Coalition and the international community to provide the necessary support to enable them to effectively perform their tasks that serve security and stability in the South, the entire region, and international navigation.
To the end of its meeting, the Presidency touched on several topics and issues related to the work of the STC’s bodies and took the appropriate measures.