STC’s Presidency: Reconciliation and Tolerance Remain the Solid Rock Against Hatched Schemes Targeting the South and its Cause

The Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Tuesday, chaired by Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, member of the Presidium of the STC and Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Presidency applauded the 17th anniversary of Southern reconciliation and tolerance, affirming that this historic event, which was accomplished by the southerners on January 13, 2006, will remain the bulwark and the solid rock on which all attempts and hatched schemes targeting the people of the South and their just cause will be shattered.
The Presidency pointed out that the anniversary of southern reconciliation and tolerance commenced in light of the great achievements within the framework of the southern national dialogue called for by President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi to strengthen the southern cohesiveness and rapprochement, preserve the national gains achieved for the South by the ultimate sacrifices of its heroes, and move forward towards achieving the supreme goal of liberation, independence, restoration, and building the federal state of the South on its entire internationally recognized national borders until May 21, 1990.
After that, the Presidency listened to a report submitted by the Decision Making Support Center (DMSC), which included a review and analysis of the latest political, military, security, educational, and health developments on the national landscape during the first half of January 2023, in addition to a number of recommendations and suggestions to deal with such developments.
Furthermore, the Presidency reviewed a report submitted by the Training and Qualifying Center (TQC) in the STC on its performance and training courses during the month of December of the year 2022, the training programs that were provided to employees of the STC’s bodies in the governorates of Lahj, Abyan, and Al-Dhalea, and the TQC’s plans and programs for the next period.
In another context, the Presidency stood before the activities and movements of certain international organizations in the capital, Aden, and other governorates of the South with no coordination with the official authorities, highlighting the need for prior coordination between those organizations and the official authorities, foremost of which are the local authorities and security services, to ensure the provision of the required protection for them to make maximum use of programs and activities provided to the targeted communities away from political exploitation conspiratorially directed to do more harm than good to the South.
To the end of its meeting, the Presidency touched on several topics and issues related to the work of the STC’s bodies and took the appropriate measures.