South Arabia

STC’s Presidium Commends Ultimate Sacrifices of Southern Forces in Countering Terrorism and Warding Off its Deadly Global Threat

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting Today, Tuesday, chaired by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC.

In the meeting, which began with standing a tributing mimute to read Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs of the treacherous terrorist attack that targeted the southern forces participating in military operation “Arrows of the East” in Abyan governorate and all the blessed martyrs of the South, the Presidium commended the steadfastness and valiance of the heroes of the southern armed forces, who made the ultimate exemplifying models of heroism, the final sacrifice to defend the safe heavens of the South and fight terrorist organizations to preserve its security and stability.

The Presidium reiterated that the Southern Armed Forces are the sole force that fights terrorism in all the governorates of the South and makes ultimate sacrifices to ward off its deadly global threat from the region and maritime lanes. In the same context, they called on the countries of the region and the international community to imperatively provide the necessary and special support to the Southern Armed Forces in countering terrorism, which takes immediate and decisive actions in protecting international shipping lanes and global interests in the entire region.

In internal affairs, the Presidium stood before what was accomplished in the process of restructuring the central bodies of the Council, and in this respect, President Al-Zubaidi instructed the Restructuring Committee to meet with the Chairman of the National Assembly to determine the remaining procedures to complete the restructuring therein.

The Presidium had listened to the report submitted by the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs (GDFA) on the most important external affairs and developments related to the cause of the South and the results of its meeting with the office of the UN Special Envoy in the Jordanian capital, Amman, and discussed a range of other topics related to the work of the STC and its various bodies, and took the appropriate measures.

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