South Arabia

STC’s Presidium Reaffirms Demand of Coalition to Transfer Vessel Inspection Mechanism from Djibouti to Aden

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Tuesday, chaired by Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, member of the Presidium of the STC and Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat.

At its meeting, which was attended by several ministers in the power-sharing government, the Presidium stood before a range of developments on the national landscape, the most important of which was related to the mechanism of inspecting ships sailing to ports under the control of the Houthi militia. In this respect, the Presidium reaffirmed its demand to the leadership of the Arab-led coalition to transfer the inspection mechanism from Djibouti to the capital, Aden, underscoring not to make concessions prior to reaching a comprehensive solution that meets the aspirations of all parties.

In the context, the Presidium condemned the recent measures taken by the Houthi militia to seize the funds of Yemenia Airlines in the banks under its control, which are used for aircraft maintenance and boosting the company’s work, calling on the Arab-led coalition and the government to take counteractions to force the Houthi militia to lift these measures.

Furthermore, the Presidium commended the heroes of the southern armed forces who are steadfastly picketing on the frontlines and strongly facing the broad Houthi escalation in spite of its different kinds of bombardment and thwarting all the goals of that escalation in light of the obstacles that postpone receiving their salaries.

The Presidium discussed the monthly report on the performance of the Training and Qualifying Center of the STC, as well as the outcomes of the annual meeting of departments of the General Secretariat, the executive bodies of the local leadership, and coordinators at universities in the governorates of the South, in addition to a range of topics related to the work of the STC’s bodies, and took the appropriate measures.

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