South Arabia

STC’s Secretariat Discusses Political Scene and Financial Reports of Departments, LLEB, and Coordinators at Universities

The General Secretariat of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting on Wednesday in the capital, Aden, chaired by Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, member of the STC’s Presidium and Secretary-General of the General Secretariat.

The meeting reviewed the political scene report submitted by the Political Department, which focused on the most prominent topics and issues in the southern arena, the most important of which were the results of the meeting of President Aidarous Al-Zoubaidi with the American ambassador, in addition to discussing the latest developments in the war waged by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The Secretariat expressed the STC’s condemnation of the international community’s silence over the genocide to which the Palestinian people are being subjected in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli occupation forces’ violation of international laws by committing a war crime through Israel’s use of military force against civilians and depriving them of their means and right of life.

The meeting also stood before the latest developments taking place in the South, including the success of the security campaign in the capital, Aden, which aims to prevent the movement of unlicensed motorcycles and cars and prevent the carrying of weapons in public places.

The meeting discussed the report submitted by the Department of Financial and Administrative Affairs on the level of discipline of the departments and local leadership executive bodies (LLEBs) in the governorates and coordinators at universities in submitting the financial reports to the imprest advances that have been disbursed for the implementation of activities and initiatives.

The meeting touched on the weekly activity report of the departments of the Secretariat over the past week, as well as reviewing and approving the minutes of the previous meeting.

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