STC’s Secretariat Organizes Political Lecture Entitled “Aden and America: a History of Relations That Have Lasted for More Than 100 Years”

The General Secretariat of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) organized a political lecture on Sunday in the capital, Aden, under the title, “Aden and America: a history of relations that has lasted for more than 100 years”.
The lecture, which was attended by Mr. Fadhl Mohammad Al-Gaadi, a member of the STC’s Presidium, Deputy Secretary-General, lawyer Yahya Ghaleb Al-Shuaibi, a member of the STC’s Presidium, and a number of heads and members of departments of the Secretariat, and which was delivered by Mr. Najmi Abdul-Majid, head of the Aden branch of the Southern Writers Union (SWU), included political relations and the importance of the capital, Aden, to America.
Mr. Najmi touched on commercial relations and mutual interests, detailing the strategic relations between Aden and America and what results from that relations in many political, security, and economic aspects.